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Things That Qualify as Dental Emergencies

Posted on 5/30/2017 by Beautiful Smiles Office
A close up of a red sign with white letters on it saying emergency.
Dental emergencies are not something that you can plan for, but having a regular dentist that you see is a great thing when an emergency does pop up. They know what your mouth should normally look like, and can more easily spot something that is out of place.

However, figuring out which events qualify as actual emergencies and which do not, is not always as easy. Here are some of the more common problems that are definite emergencies.

Call Your Dentist Right Away if You Experience Any of the Following

If you were hit or hurt in the mouth and one of your teeth is loose or has fallen out, you definitely need to see your dentist right away. Stop any bleeding, protect the tooth in a container of fresh tap water or milk, and get in to get seen as soon as your dentist has an opening.

Oral burns that are severely painful or bleeding should be seen by your dentist very quickly as well. Try and leave the burn alone unless it is bleeding, and let your dentist decide what the proper treatment should be. If it is bleeding, stop it as best as you can while going into their office.

Lacerations of the mouth or cheeks should be seen by a dentist or oral surgeon. They need to check and make sure all of your oral tissues are safe and healthy. Again, stop the bleeding and get seen as quickly as you possibly can.

Any time where your mouth is in a lot of sudden pain, especially following any type of trauma, go in and get seen. If you have pain that is accompanied by a fever, this is also a time to see your emergency dentist. Go in as soon as they can see you, and stop the problems before they get any worse.

Please contact our office if you are experiencing a dental emergency.
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James Yang, DDS

255 W Court St., Suite E Woodland,
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