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Top Food and Drinks That Stain Your Teeth

Posted on 10/17/2017 by Beautiful Smiles Office
Coffee Beautiful Smiles CA 95695-2986
If you are concerned with keeping your teeth healthy and bright, you may be wondering which foods and drinks you should avoid. You doubtless already know that you should avoid things such as chewing tobacco and smoking cigarettes.

In addition, you should avoid drinking certain drinks and eating certain foods if you are concerned about keeping your teeth bright and white.

Coffee, Tea, and Wine

It probably does not come as a surprise to you to learn that coffee, tea, and wine all contain compounds that can easily stain your teeth. This is why the teeth of elderly people who have lived a lifetime of partaking of these drinks tend to be heavily stained.

If you absolutely must drink these drinks, consider using a straw to help move the fluid past your front teeth. Doing so will help to reduce the amount of fluid that comes in contact with your teeth.

Another thing to keep in mind is the importance of renting out your mouth after enjoying these drinks. Vigorously swishing water around will help to remove some of the elements that cause staining. By keeping these compounds from sitting on the surface of your teeth, you slow down the staining effect of these drinks.

Tomato Sauce, Blueberries, Blackberries

Aside from avoiding coffee, tea, and wine, you may want to reconsider whether you want to enjoy certain heavily-pigmented foods. Foods such as tomato sauce and blueberries contain strong pigments that can discolor your teeth if they are left in contact with the enamel long enough.

If you do decide to enjoy these foods, it is very important to rinse out your mouth immediately after you finish eating. This can help to keep the compounds in that food from staining your teeth.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call us at (530) 206-9211 today.

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