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Two Unexpected Side Effects of Bruxism You Need to be Aware of

Posted on 10/27/2017 by Beautiful Smiles Office
Bruxism Beautiful Smiles CA 95695-2986
Coming in and seeing your favorite dentist isn't just about getting your teeth cleaned or having work done. Your teeth say a lot about you. Your oral health is just as important to focus on as your physical health.

Making sure you eat right and practice good oral hygiene every day you may still run into problems. Keeping up on regular exams can keep you on top of things you should be aware of.

What is Bruxism and What Are the Side Effects?

Bruxism is when you grind your teeth or clench your jaw. This can develop as a sort of anxiety habit during the day or happen at night while you're sleeping and you may not even know you're doing it. Seeing us regularly can be beneficial for a number of reasons. If grinding your teeth in your sleep you may not notice warning signs.

Clenching your jaw can cause, over time, your jaw to lose its alignment. This can cause pain in your jaw and give you headaches. Too much pressure and you can crack or break teeth. We can diagnose you with sleep apnea also, believe it or not.

If your teeth and jaw are not aligned properly it can cause airways to be blocked. Not getting a good night's sleep doesn't make anyone feel good.

Fortunately, there is a solution to grinding your teeth at night while you sleep and may even make you sleep better. We can custom fit you with a night time mouth guard. You will want to bring it with you each time you visit so we can do an exam on it at the same time.

We will look for signs of wear and how it fits. You're definitely not alone when it comes to this habit, but it is important to try to correct it. We only get one set of adult teeth to last us a lifetime, so let's try to take care of them.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call us at (530) 206-9211 today.

Advanced Dental Technology
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Beautiful Smiles
James Yang, DDS

255 W Court St., Suite E Woodland,
CA 95695-2986

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255 W Court St., Suite E , Woodland, CA 95695-2986


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