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What it Means if Your Teeth Begin to Separate

Posted on 11/20/2017 by Beautiful Smiles Office
Drifting Teeth Beautiful Smiles CA 95695-2986
Dental exams can tell you a lot about your teeth, however, there are certain things that you can notice on your own.

It is important that you consider all of the reasons this may be happening and speak with our dentists to find out the best course of action. Taking the best care of your teeth is something you should do and with their help, this can be done.

Teeth have the tendency to drift and move around a bit as you grow. When the mouth and jaw changes, the teeth are going to change with it. This can cause a lot of different things when it happens. However, if they continue to drift apart, there are other reasons for this, as well.

Severe Nighttime Grinding

Grinding your teeth can cause severe drifting or moving of the teeth. It is also not uncommon for people that grind their teeth chip or break them often because of it. Additionally, when this happens, it is important for the person to obtain a mouth guard so that it stops.

Relapse After Braces

If you've had braces before and you see your teeth starting to move apart, then this could mean that the teeth were not able to stay together for very long after your braces. Oftentimes, this happens when people do not wear their mouth guards after having braces. This holds the teeth in the spot they should be.

Biting Fingernails or Other Items

When the person does this, they may be moving the teeth slowly over time. This causes them to move further apart from one another. Reducing the habit or stopping it all together can help the teeth go back to normal.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call us at (530) 206-9211 today.

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255 W Court St., Suite E Woodland,
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