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When to Worry About a Dental Abscess

Posted on 12/30/2017 by Beautiful Smiles Office
Dental Abscess Beautiful Smiles CA 95695-2986
A dental abscess is a serious condition that needs some serious treatment; if left by itself, it can lead to a lot of complications and even death. A dental abscess occurs because of the bacteria and plaque that has accumulated.

This happens when you do not brush your teeth well. Another cause could be an injury that resulted in a damaged tooth, and gingivitis or gum disease.

What Do I Need To Look At If I Suspect That I Have A Dental Abscess?

A person may need to worry if they start to feel an immense pain that cannot be endured. Other symptoms may include fever, Difficulty with using the mouth and teeth, particularly with chewing, biting and just eating in general.

Also, you can feel an increase in sensitivity to temperature, especially sudden changes like drinking a cold cup of water or some hot tea.

Sometimes, you can taste some bitterness in the mouth or smell some foul odor from your breath, and some swollen throat or cheeks, general discomfort, uneasiness, and redness. Moreover, the infection could spread to the other teeth resulting in severe infections inside which may even need the removal of the teeth.

One thing to know is that if you no longer feel any pain, that is where the danger kicks in. It means that the roots and nerves of your teeth are completely dead. Therefore, if one experiences any of the above listed symptoms, it is important to see a dentist as soon as possible, even if the pain subsides.

A dental abscess can be lethal if left unchecked; it can lead to sepsis, with can cause death. The dentist will probe your mouth and will find any abscess, be it in your teeth or your gums, so that no bacterial infection will remain.

After which the dentist will need to talk to you about what options you have to take care of any infection and to prevent it from spreading further and to preserve the teeth if possible.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please call us at (530) 206-9211 today.

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James Yang, DDS

255 W Court St., Suite E Woodland,
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