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Saliva is Your Mouths Biggest Asset

Posted on 1/30/2018 by Beautiful Smiles Office
Saliva Beautiful Smiles CA 95695-2986There are so many benefits that come with saliva in the mouth. When you go through dry mouth, this can actually cause a lot of downfalls in the mouth.

It is important to keep up on being hydrated, drinking enough water and making sure that the saliva is flowing in the mouth - here's why.

Benefits of Saliva in the Mouth

Here are just some of the benefits that you can get when you have enough saliva production and ensure that you are keeping a happy, healthy mouth in the end.

Saliva is able to keep the mouth moist and comfortable, allowing you to easily drink and eat foods without a problem. When the mouth is moist, you can also breathe and talk easier.

Saliva fights the bad germs and bacteria in your mouth that cause bad breath and tooth decay. The more bacteria in your mouth, the higher your chances of having more tooth decay.

Some of the other benefits include preventing gum disease and protect the enamel on the outside of the teeth, which can ensure that cavities and other problems are prevented, as well.

Saliva also helps to break down food that you eat, making it much easier to digest. Saliva is a component in the body that is required for many great benefits and without the use of the saliva, you might find that many of the normal functions you once did are now hard to complete with a dry mouth.

When you want to know even more health benefits for your oral health or if you want to set up a time for an appointment, then speak with us here to find out more.

Our dental office is always welcoming new patients that wish to get more from their oral health. Contact us today and we would be happy to schedule you for an appointment.
Advanced Dental Technology
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Beautiful Smiles
James Yang, DDS

255 W Court St., Suite E Woodland,
CA 95695-2986

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255 W Court St., Suite E , Woodland, CA 95695-2986


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Beautiful Smiles, 255 W Court St., Suite E, Woodland, CA 95695 - (530) 206-9211 - - 2/18/2025 - Associated Words: About us, Beautiful smiles, Dentist, Dental Office woodland CA