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What Makes Zirconia Veneers Different?

Posted on 8/23/2018 by Beautiful Smiles Office
What Makes Zirconia Veneers Different?If you have decided that it's time to give yourself a new smile by using veneers, the next step is figuring out which kind you would like to have.

You probably never realized there were so many steps to improving your smile, but by reading this article you should have some of the information you need to make the best choice.

What Are Zirconia Veneers?

A zirconia veneer is a veneer constructed of a specific type of ceramic known as zirconium oxide. This ceramic is known for its durability, meaning that a zirconia veneer will be very strong and durable.

Of course, as with any veneer, the way you treat it will go a long way towards determining how long it lasts, so do your best to make sure that you engage in proper oral hygiene. In addition, avoid doing all the things that your dentist has always warned against, such as chewing on ice.

Zirconia veneers tend to be less translucent than other types of veneers. This means that a zirconia veneer will be a better choice for covering a tooth that is significantly discolored or darkened. Other types of veneers might allow the discoloration underneath to peek through, while a zirconia veneer will not.

Considering Your Options
Of course, we want you to choose the kind of veneer that you feel will fit you best. Only you know exactly what you are looking for in a veneer, and we want you to make your choice only when you have all the information you need.

Call us today: we are here to educate on your options, including zirconia veneers. In short, a zirconia veneer is a great choice for you if durability is a concern. Also, if your underlying teeth are heavily stained or discolored, you may find that zirconia is the best option.
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James Yang, DDS

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