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How Chewing Tobacco Is Dangerous To Your Oral Health

Posted on 1/10/2020 by Beautiful Smiles Office
How Chewing Tobacco Is Dangerous To Your Oral HealthTo avoid the harm that smoking tobacco does to the lungs and the respiratory system, most people resort to chewing tobacco to satisfy their craving for nicotine.

Statistics show that the number of people who use smokeless tobacco is on the rise. They think that is a much better way to take their tobaccos. It is not. Chewing tobacco, just like smoking it is harmful to your lungs, is very bad for your oral health.

How Tobacco Harms Your Oral Health

People are well informed when it comes to the dangers of smoking and as such, the number of smokers is significantly reducing. If you care for your oral health, you will realize that chewing tobacco isn't as healthy as most people think. Below are ways in which chewing tobacco is dangerous to one's oral health.

Teeth Discoloration and Bad Breath

Every human being takes pride in having a bright smile. Chewing tobacco could lead to teeth discoloration as the stains from the tobacco tend to stick. Prolonged chewing of tobacco could make your teeth turn to yellowish-brown color. You might also develop mouth sores.

Tooth Decay

Most smokeless tobaccos have flavors added to them to make them taste good. The acid that is released from the tobacco eats away at your enamel and leaves the tooth exposed to bacterial infections and decay. The sugar in such flavors could contribute to tooth decay. The sand and grit in the tobacco may also wear down the teeth and result in tooth sensitivity.

Gum Infection

Continued chewing of tobacco can also cause gaps between the teeth and the gums, which can lead to cracking and receding of the gums. This may eventually lead to gum irritation and periodontal disease. In the long run, you might end up suffering from tooth loss.

Oral Cancer

Smokeless tobaccos contain chemicals that have been shown to cause oral cancer. When the chemicals are swallowed, they could also lead to other cancers in the digestive system and the bladder. Oral cancer is very difficult and expensive to treat.

If you are a user of smokeless tobacco products, then we recommend regular checkups with our dentists to preserve your oral health. It is also important to observe general oral hygiene at home. In case you need nicotine replacement therapy to cure your nicotine addiction, give us a call today.
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