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Foods That Are Good for Your Teeth That You May Not Expect

Posted on 1/11/2021 by Beautiful Smiles Office
Foods That Are Good for Your Teeth That You May Not ExpectMost people know that eating a lot of sugar contributes to cavities and tooth decay, and that acidic foods and drinks can stain your teeth and damage your enamel. You might also already know that foods containing calcium, like dairy products and leafy green vegetables, help to strengthen your bones and teeth. But these other foods that can boost your dental health may surprise you.


You are probably familiar with the eyesight-promoting qualities of carrots, due to the vitamin A that they contain. However, vitamin A can also help strengthen tooth enamel. Plus, carrots and other crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples, celery, and pears stimulate saliva production and clean plaque from your teeth as you chew, making these healthy snacks natural toothbrushes – not that you should replace brushing with eating carrots, though!

Green Tea

You may have been told to avoid tea because it is acidic and has the potential to discolor your teeth, but this is mainly true for black tea. Green tea, on the other hand, is unlikely to stain your teeth, and it contains antioxidants that work to fight bacteria and prevent disease. Plus, green tea often contains fluoride, and drinking a cup of tea is a great way to stay hydrated as an alternative to plain water.

Dark Chocolate

You may be especially surprised to learn that chocolate can be good for your teeth. But while milk chocolate bars are filled with way more sugar and milk than natural cocoa, dark chocolate bars contain at least 70 percent cocoa. In addition to having less sugar than milk chocolate, dark chocolate is also rich in antioxidants such as polyphenols, tannins, and flavonoids. These antioxidants benefit your oral health by preventing bacteria and plaque from building up on your teeth, fighting bad breath, and protecting your mouth from tooth decay and gum disease. Just make sure you choose a dark chocolate bar with a high percentage of cocoa and low percentage of added sugar, and ideally an organic option. Call our office to learn what other foods are good for your teeth.
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