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Why Do I Have Gaps In My Teeth

Posted on 4/12/2021 by Beautiful Smiles Office
Many people have gaps in their teeth, a condition that is referred to as diastema.

These gaps or spaces in the teeth aren't harmful in any way, but they can affect a person's self-confidence and can make them extremely conscious about how their teeth look.

Some gaps are barely noticeable given their small size, but some are quite large and become a serious cosmetic issue for people.

Causes of Gaps In The Teeth

There isn't a single cause or factor as to why you have gaps in your teeth, but there are actually many contributing factors. Take a look.

•  Oftentimes, gaps in the teeth are a result of the relation of the size of the teeth with the jawbone. If your teeth are too small compared to the size of your jawbone, there are likely to be gaps between your teeth.
•  Gum disease is another common reason because it tends to cause inflammation that damages the bone which supports your teeth, eventually causing the teeth to become loose.
•  Diastema can run in the family due to genetics, which is yet another common reason for gaps or spaces in your teeth.
•  If you have missing or undersized teeth that can be another reason why there are gaps in your teeth.
•  Certain bad habits can cause the teeth to become loose and develop gaps in them such as lip sucking and tongue thrusting.

Most people notice gaps in their teeth while brushing or flossing.
If you also have gaps or spaces in your teeth and wish to get it treated, contact us at Beautiful Smiles where Dr. James Yang and James Yang DDS will first examine your teeth and then suggest possible treatment methods based on the size of the gaps.

Schedule an appointment by calling us at (530) 206-9211 so that we can determine the cause of gaps in your teeth and begin the treatment process at the earliest.
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Beautiful Smiles
James Yang, DDS

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