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Do Mouthguards Ruin Your Oral Health?

Posted on 7/12/2021 by Beautiful Smiles Office
Do Mouthguards Ruin Your Oral Health?
Two separate scenarios are possible when we mention a mouth guard with our patients. A mouth guard, also called a mouth protector, is often used in contact sports. The mouth guard helps to cushion the blow to the face. This is crucial in sports like rugby, basketball, and football. A mouth guard can minimize the risk of broken teeth. In addition, injuries to your lips, tongue, face, or jaw can also be avoided with a properly fitting mouth guard. Even Steph Curry loves his mouthguard.

The other type of mouth guard is called a night guard. A night guard prevents any force from causing damage to the teeth as well. While you are not at a high risk for getting a ball in the face while you sleep, it is possible to incur some self-inflicted damage. If you are someone who grinds your teeth excessively in your sleep, a night guard can prevent you from wearing down your teeth. It will protect your enamel. A night guard is essential for patients who have bruxism, or the involuntary grinding of the teeth.

With all these benefits, some wonder if using a mouth guard will ruin your oral health? Afterall, if you wear it routinely each night you will have it in for a good part of your life.

Mouthguards Understood

As with anything, it is important to keep your mouth clean. Your teeth can harbor bacteria which can cause gum disease. Similarly, a mouth guard can also be a home to harmful bacteria. It is important to have a good oral health routine, brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing in between. Similarly, clean your mouth guard and let it completely air dry before you put it in again.

Our advice is to have your mouth guard professionally fit to your mouth. One size fits all mouth guards are available but consider getting one that fits well as they are comfortable and gentle on your gums. Custom-fit mouthguards allow you to breathe and even talk while you wear them.

Call Our Office

Give our office a call if you're contemplating the purchase of a mouth guard. We are here to help you understand the process and work with you to create a custom fit mouthguard.
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James Yang, DDS

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