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Treatment Options for TMJ Disorder
Woodland, CA

Woman holding her face due to TMJ pain in need of treatment at Beautiful Smiles - James Yang, DDS in Woodland, CAAre you experiencing jaw pain, clicking and popping of your jaw, headaches, or ear pain? If so, you could be living with a TMJ disorder. There are a variety of treatment options available, and at Beautiful Smiles, we can help you figure out the best course of action for your unique situation.

Diagnosing TMJ Disorder

Dr. James Yang can diagnose TMJ disorder through a few steps. First, a physical exam will be conducted, although there is no specific test that will diagnose TMJ disorder. We will discuss your medical history, and if necessary, we might send you to an oral surgeon. In certain cases, an MRI of your jaw might be taken in order to detect cartilage damage within the joint. This will also rule out other health problems.

Home Remedies

A lot of TMJ disorder symptoms can respond well to home remedies. These can include the use of cold packs or ice and over-the-counter pain medications. Avoiding gum chewing and eating soft foods can help, as can massage, stress reduction, and relaxation techniques.

Dental Treatment

If home remedies aren't doing their job at treating your TMJ disorder symptoms, you may need medical intervention. A dental splint can be used to keep the teeth in proper alignment, and some dental offices may use Botox in order to relax the jaw muscles. Physical therapy could be recommended in order to strengthen the jaw muscles, and in the most severe cases, dental surgery on the jaw might be a necessity. TMJ Arthroscopy is a relatively simple procedure that can be completed on an outpatient basis and can allow you to feel better quite quickly.

If you'd like to learn more, give us a call at (530) 206-9211 or schedule an appointment today!
Advanced Dental Technology
Diagnostics and Prevention
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Beautiful Smiles
James Yang, DDS

255 W Court St., Suite E Woodland,
CA 95695-2986

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Beautiful Smiles | | (530) 206-9211
255 W Court St., Suite E , Woodland, CA 95695-2986


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TMJ Treatments | Dentist Woodland, CA | Beautiful Smiles - James Yang, DDS
Reduce jaw pain and treat your TMJ by visiting Beautiful Smiles in Woodland, CA. Click here to learn more and call us today to schedule an appointment!
Beautiful Smiles, 255 W Court St., Suite E, Woodland, CA 95695 - (530) 206-9211 - - 2/3/2025 - Page Phrases: TMJ, TMD, Dentist Woodland CA, Beautiful Smiles