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What Risks Are Associated With Dental Implants
Woodland, CA

Rendering of jaw with dental implant at Beautiful Smiles in Woodland, CA. Dental implants have a very high success rate between 95% to 98% and it is extremely rare for patients to report severe risks. But it is always possible for dental implants to fail, although that rarely happens if the patient properly follows post-op instructions. As is always the case with surgeries, there are a few risks associated with a dental implant procedure.


According to a study, about 4 to 10% of dental implant patients have reported post-op infections. Although rare, an infection can lead to devastating consequences for dental implant procedures and may increase the likelihood of a rejection event. It may be possible for some infections to go unnoticed until it’s too late.

This is why a routine check up with your oral surgeon is important, not just for dental clean up, but to monitor the health of your implants as well as looking for any infections. As a general rule, infections that lead to gum disease and tooth decay should be treated promptly.
One such infection is peri-implantitis which affects tissues supporting dental implants. Peri-implantitis can cause damage to the infection and jawbone, before causing the implants to feel unstable.

Nerve Injury

Dental implant procedures require oral surgeons to accurately drill into the jawbone. Oral surgeons must carefully plan the position, depth, and direction of the drilling sequence, such that it avoids sensitive nerves. In some cases, the surgeon may relocate the nerve to clear the way for implants. However, all of this requires both experience and skill.

At Beautiful Smiles, our dentists, Dr. James Yang and James Yang DDS, use advanced technology to avoid complications associated with dental implant procedures. Severe nerve damage can result in debilitating pain to the patient and may have a long-lasting effect on their quality of life through speech impediments and drooling.

Prompt treatment of the nerve injury is needed to reduce the chances of permanent damage. Note that nerve damage due to compression and pressure are injuries that are relatively minor and heal on their own with the passage of time.

Dental Implant Rejection Episodes

It is fairly rare for patients to experience dental implant rejections because of the procedure’s high success rate. However, complications due to the surgery, such as tissue damage and nerve damage, can eventually lead to bone resorption, which can cause the implant to fail. In some cases, the jawbone may simply not have enough bone to support the dental implant, leading to a rejection episode. Most of these problems can be avoided by taking good care of the teeth.

Dental Implant FAQ

Let’s take a look at commonly asked questions associated with dental implant risks.

How Long Does Nerve Damage Last?

Minor cases of nerve damage can heal on their own. Moderate cases may take a few more months to heal. Finally, severe forms of nerve damage may never heal without medical intervention.

What Are the Consequences of a Nerve Injury?

If a dental implant damages the nerve, it can lead to numbness, pain, a feeling of tingling, and even speech impediments.
For more in-depth information on dental implants and osseointegration, call us at (530) 206-9211 and book an appointment with our expert dentists.

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255 W Court St., Suite E , Woodland, CA 95695-2986


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Beautiful Smiles, 255 W Court St., Suite E, Woodland, CA 95695 ^ (530) 206-9211 ^ ^ 2/4/2025 ^ Associated Words: dentist Woodland CA ^